Course Enquiry

The Third Professional is divided into two Parts, viz. Third Professional Part – I & Third Professional Part Part – II.

In Third Professional Part – I Clinical subjects are taught in two semesters i.e., VI & VII. These include Community Medicine, ENT and Ophthalmology.

Community Medicine

Department is always committed and working for the welfare of the community since it came into existence. It is extensive department with versatile following activities -Teaching and Training; Research; Patient care in UHTC, RHTC ; Outreach activities. Infrastructure of the department includes museum, UG Lab, research lab, library and demonstration room with well equipped equipments for teaching and training of undergraduate and post graduate students. Museum showcases are with more than 250 charts, specimen and models of various sections like Nutrition, Environment and R.C.H. etc. Various innovative and interactive teaching methods are used to enhance academic knowledge of students. Despite routine teaching & training activities PG Students also participate in numerous research activities. The various topics of Epidemiology and Biostatistics are taught to UG, PG & Paramedical Students.


It is a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. The credentials include a degree in medicine, followed by additional four to five years of ophthalmology residency training. Additional specialty training may be sought in a particular aspect of eye pathology. Ophthalmologists are allowed to use medications to treat eye diseases, implement laser therapy, and perform surgery when needed. Ophthalmologists may participate in academic research on the diagnosis and treatment for eye disorders.

In Third Professional Part – II Clinical subjects are taught in two semesters i.e., VIII & IX. These include General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and  Paediatrics.


Since its inception in the year 2013, the Department of ENT has made rapid strides. The department has been providing care to the needs of ENT patients in general as well as imparting highly specialized tertiary services. The department has a well-equipped audiology to lab carrying out various investigations like audiometry etc. Rehabilitation in the form of hearing aids and speech therapy is provided to the patient under care of trained audiologist and speech therapist. Neonatal screening program is being carried out in the department.

General Medicine

Department of Medicine with core mission of quality patient care, high standard of education and clinical research is the home of diverse group of physician whose professional interest span across acute care, chronic disease management, preventive medicine palliative care and care of elderly patients. Department is having OPD such as medicine, Cardiology, neurology, gastroenteroly, nephrology, endocrinology along with special clinic for headache, hematology and diabetes mellitus.

General Surgery

The Department is dedicated to high standard of patient care, medical research and training of students and surgical residents. The department of surgery provides round the clock emergency services and OPD services, conducting minor procedures, emergency surgery and major surgeries including management of trauma. Frequent guest lectures and workshops provide the students with recent advances in the field of surgery.


The Department provides comprehensive medical education in the art and science of Pediatric medicine and imparts preventive, curative and promotive health care to dependent population of children and adolescents as well. Four postgraduate students are admitted every year. It aims to cultivate, encourage and sustain an attitude for basic and advanced research at all levels. The Pediatric care facility includes the Pediatric OPD, Pediatric ward, Intensive Care Units and an office complex. The Department has well equipped critical care areas like NICU, and PICU.

It has weekly and monthly outreach programs; specialty clinics for pediatric cardiology, endocrinology, Nephrotic syndrome, immunizations, Thalassemia Day care Centre etc. Nutritional rehabilitation Centre is a recent addition for undernourished children of our dependent population.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

A branch of medicine that specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth and in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs.The department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology has established itself as one of the leaders in the region for complicated cases related to High risk pregnancies.